Cathedral Quiz

Assumpta Cathedral Owerri, Owerri, Nigeria

Pastoral Congress

Assumpta Cathedral Owerri, Owerri, Nigeria

The Catholic Archdiocese of Owerri under the stewardship of His Grace Most Rev Anthony J.V. Obinna, the Auxiliary Bishop Most Rev Moses Chikwe, the clergy and laity will gather for the Archdiocesan 'Pastoral Congress' at the Maria Assumpta Cathedral, Owerri. Details of the congress shall be communicated in due cause.

Day of Sanctification of Priests

Assumpta Cathedral Owerri, Owerri, Nigeria

Day of Sanctification of  Priests and consecration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. This day also is a day of recollection for all Priests in the different locations of the globe. Pray for your Priests!!! Mary mother of Priests,  Pray for us.